Roots & Shoots Turkey


Roots & Shoots Turkey



R&STR designs and carries out all of its work by being nature friendly, paying regard to equality, human rights, children’s rights, animal rights, and non-violence principles. We have drafted this document to share our ethical principles as R&STR.
We care everyone putting effort to make a change in the world with R&STR to interiorize these principles.


R&STR designs and carries out all of its work by being nature friendly, paying regard to equality, human rights, children’s rights, animal rights, and non-violence principles.
We have drafted this document to share our ethical principles as R&STR. We care everyone putting effort to make a change in the world with R&STR to interiorize these principles.

  • R&STR handles all the living and non-living natural assets as a whole, within a system approach; it does not differentiate humans from this system. With this approach, it takes care not to harm any population or habitat.
  • All works are carried out in accordance with the principles of ‘best interest of the child’ and ‘not harming the child’.
  • Children and the youth participation is a top priority for R&STR.
  • R&STR does not accept any form of abuse and violence in its works and collaborations. It takes care to protect all children in direct or indirect connections from all sorts of abuse (See. R&STR Code of Behaviour). It takes preventive measures and sets mechanisms up for this.
  • It pays attention to the protection of natural-cultural heritage in its activities.
  • By holding to the mission and vision of the organization, it adopts a right-based approach.
  • It attaches the importance to natural-cultural sensitivities and gender equality. It respects the fundamental rights of all humans and non-human beings regardless of gender, age, disability, ethnic origin, religion, language, race, nationality, physical appearance, and other aspects of identity.
  • It ensures that the teaching contents and methods are pedagogically appropriate. None of its works contain violence, pornography/sexuality.
  • The R&STR team always maintains high behavioural standards, takes responsibility for their actions, and never abuses the power position in any of its activities. It takes preventive measures and sets mechanisms up for this.
  • Decision-making processes in R&STR are conducted with the principles of transparency and accountability. Documents about the decisions taken and feedback channels are accessible to all active employees/members and child/adult volunteers.
  • It carries out its financing, expensing, donation, and sponsorship processes regularly and openly by taking into consideration the balance of transparent sharing-privacy rights. It does not accept bribes or personal gifts from governments, donators, suppliers, or whoever offers it.
  • R&STR respects the privacy of every child, youth, adult and conducts works in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Information.


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